Saturday, March 28, 2015


Hey again,

Well, I did go check out the Indian Wedding.....turns out it wasn't THE wedding but just a prelude to the real wedding tomorrow. haha  Tallked to some guests from Oz who said it was a Fijian (Indian) celebration.

Loved gettiing some comments from some of you (Thanks Don, Carmyn and Kelsey).  Would love getting more.....hint, hint!

Went back up to the room expecting ALONENESS!  BUT...the guys were still up having GUY TIME!  So, I made them dinner.  Barramundi (fish) with Zucchini w Tomato & Avocado.  (Gotta use up what's in the fridge).

Turns out the 'wedding' had some I've seen.  Decided to venture down to the lobby again to see if there's any updates.......sadly, none (just more Indian dance music).  Oh well, feel sorry for me, veeeeeery sorry.  Guess it's time to go to bed.  I know Kyle was doing the dishes when I left.  He's a good stepson.

Touch base with you soon,  I hope.

The Great Barrier Reef

Well, internet is scarce, and of course we have been busy where there is NO INTERNET (THE GBR).  Anyhow, we've just gotten back from our Reef Sleep.  We are tired and have to fly to Sydney tomorrow.  My 'hungry guys' are too pooped to party and I am downstairs in the guest lounge writing to you all.  I have had a strong Margarita and am updating you as my computer battery allows.

Pics will have to come later.  THere is an Indian wedding happening on the beach right now and the music is awesome.  REminds me of the staff CHristmas party (those of you were work with me will get that).   IN a few minutes I am going to try and crash it.  haha  The boys are going to bed and it's only 7pm.  I'm telling ya, its lonely here in vacation land sometimes.  LOL

ANyhow, we had a marvelous time at the GBR (Great BArrier REef).  Sorry for the accidental capitals but I'm buying time here.  We snorkeled and it was better than we thought.  Lots of hard coral and colours and fish.  THe crew were marvelous.  We stayed over and slept under the stars.  THere were these really STUPID  black birds that didn't seem to be able to land properly on anything.   WHile I was laying in my swag, these birds were hovering over me in the wind.  Luckily they never pooped on me.

There are only 12 people maximum who are allowed to Reef Sleep.  THere were 9 of us.  A nice couple from Ohio, 2 young girls from Iceland, and 2 girls from Norway.  

The next morning we went snorkeling before the day trippers arrived.  I actually got yelled at by the REEF POLICE because I accidentally went past a buoy.  It really hurt my feelings.  Those who know me really well know that, behind my confident, boisterous facade, I am very sensitive.  haha

ANyhow, in hind sight, a day trip would have sufficed at the GBR as I love and missed Hamilton Island.  The night before our Reef Sleep adventure, I made friends with many, many cockatoos.  (Pics to come-I have the scratch marks on my shoulders and arms to prove it).

We had a free day between excursions so we were able to enjoy the island.  We were all sitting on the balcony thinking we should venture to the beach, but after a lot of intellectual thought (remember, Kyle is with us), we decided that the view was better on our balcony.  haha

I will miss Hamilton Island.  The islands here look like the Gulf Islands (from far away - of course, the vegetation is different).  So far, it's been great, what can I say,  OF COURSE IT'S GREAT, duh!!!!!  I am off to the beach (in the dark).  Hopefully, I'll be invited to the wedding in my shorts and T-shirt.  haha

Love to all, and if I think of anything else to write about, I will do so before I head up to the room.