Tuesday, April 7, 2015

2 days in New Zealand

Our first 2 ports were in New Zealand (Bay of Islands & Auckland).  We have met lots of different people (mostly Aussies), some Americans & Canadians (but we're rare).  We have met some 'strange' people too, who we would not want to have dinner with again.  haha (I think if we were 'swingers', they would have never let us out of their sight.)  We escaped unharmed though, and now duck for cover when we see them on the ship.  haha

The sea has been unbelievably flat.  Low, widely spaced swells with the tiniest of ripples on them. It is hard to feel any ship movement. The horizon is an absolutely unobstructed dividing line between sky and sea, light blue and dark blue.  It is beautiful.

We still have not met any of our 'online' friends who we've been communicating with over the last year via our own Tahiti Treasures Facebook Page and the Cruise Critic forum.  However, we are meeting some this afternoon so we're looking forward to that.  We may have already seen some of them already but didn't know it.  There's just under 3000 passengers on this ship (not counting the 1500 or so crew).  Believe it or not, it doesn't feel like there are that many people on this floating resort.  We have started writing down all the countries of people we have met (passengers & crew).  We will list the countries at a later time.  

The Cruise Director and Activities Manager are hilarious and should have their own network talk show.  The crew are from all over the world.  We've enjoyed the shows and games onboard.  We are currently approaching the international date line. That means we repeat a day (and get the day back that we lost coming over).  Tomorrow we will be on the same day as all of you.  We have 4 days at sea on our way to Tahiti.    

Right now we are sitting in a lounge area beside a Ukelele class.....  It reminds me so much of the many Christmas concerts and beginner band performances I have attended as a father.  ALL the music sounds the same.  Dum-dum, dum-dum, dum-dum over and over, but you know, it can be Jingle Bells, Mary Had a Little Lamb or any number of other songs.  It is all in the way you listen!

We (Kendra) has decided that we will take the stairs (as much as I can) from now on since we need the exercise.  Tonight is another formal night so maybe we'll remember to get our photo taken this time.  Here are the pics from New Zealand.  What a beautiful place. Kendra takes most of the pics (these are mostly fro a bus window).  Lots of it reminded us of home but with tropical plants. 

Dormant volcanic landscape at Bay of Islands (taken from the bus)

Unusual bathroom in Kawakawa (Bay of Islands) definitely a leftover from the 60's!

Our 60 foot long bus actually drove this road!  The driver was fantastic.

There's our ship in the distance.  They transferred us ashore by kite.

My lamb salad (that's raisin/cinnamon puree on the side).  I could have eaten 5 of these servings - this was a VERY small plate.  We ate in town.

Unusual purebred Border Collie.  We got our daily "doggie fix"

Returning to our ship via tender

Now you know why I travel with this beauty!

Early morning arrival in Auckland


Auckland countryside

At Sheepworld learning about the working dogs.

Before her makeover (he puts this sheep in a position that makes her totally relaxed)

After a minute and a half, it's done!

Sheepworld farm

This cow was very affectionate

See?  Guess who he's kissing.

Reminders of home (Kelsey did a rendition of this picture)

Our ship camouflaged amongst the Auckland waterfront


In one of the public washrooms on the ship
Back at Bay of Islands (obviously pics are not in order again)

Kauri Forest

Kauri Tree bark


  1. I'm so jealous, what a great-looking trip! Bet it was fun to watch the working dogs. I like dogs. I saw Kenny from my parent's window the other day. He is still the most handsome of the Sharpes.
